Under review
- N. Somisetty, H. Nagarajan, and S. Darbha, “Optimal Robust Network Design: Formulations and Algorithms for Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity“.
- D.P. Kumar, P. Rajbhandari, L. McGuire, S. Darbha, and D. Sofge, “UAV Routing for Enhancing the Performance of a Classifier-in-the-loop“.
- A.S. Bhadoriya, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, D.W. Casbeer, and S.G. Manyam,”Assisted Path Planning for a UGV-UAV Team Through a Stochastic Network“.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- D.P. Kumar, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and T. Bihl, “Heuristic for Min-Max Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle Multi-Depot Traveling Salesman Problem“, accepted for presentation at AIAA SciTech Forum, 2024.
- K.N. Moorthy, D.P. Kumar, S. Darbha, S. Rathinam, and T. Bihl, “Minimum-Cost Routing of two UAVs with Communication Constraints“, accepted for presentation at AIAA SciTech Forum, 2024.
Refereed Journal Publications
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- N. Somisetty, H. Nagarajan, and S. Darbha, “Impact of Ordering of Heterogeneous Vehicles on String Stability”, 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Bilbao, Spain, 2023, pp. 4524-4531, doi: 10.1109/ITSC57777.2023.10422222.
- S.J. Rasmussen, D. Casbeer, A.S. Bhadoriya, S. Darbha, and S.G. Manyam, “Multi-Agent Task Assignment and Sequencing using Monte Carlo Tree Search and Process Algebra“, accepted for presentation at AIAA SciTech Forum, 2023.
- A.S. Bhadoriya, S. Darbha, S. Rathinam, D. Casbeer, S. J. Rasmussen, and S. G. Manyam, “Multi-Agent Assisted Shortest Path Planning using Monte Carlo Tree Search“, accepted for presentation at AIAA SciTech Forum, 2023.
Refereed Journal Publications
- D. P. Kumar, S. Darbha, S. G. Manyam and D. Casbeer, “The Weighted Markov-Dubins Problem“, in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1563-1570, March 2023, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3239316.
- S. Darbha, A. Pavan, R. Kumbakonam, S. Rathinam, D. Casbeer, and S.G. Manyam, “Optimal Geodesic Curvature Constrained Dubins’ Paths on a Sphere“, J Optim Theory Appl 197, 966–992 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-023-02206-3.
- S.K.K. Hari, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and D. Casbeer, “Minimal Energy Routing of a Leader and a Wingmate with Periodic Connectivity“, Drones 2023, 7, 388. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones7060388.
- K. Chour, J.P. Reddinger, J. Dotterweich, M. Childers, J. Humann, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “An agent-based modeling framework for the multi-UAV rendezvous recharging problem“, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 166 (2023): 104442.
- A.S. Bhadoriya, C. Montez, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and D.W. Casbeer, “Assisted Shortest Path Planning for a Convoy through a Repairable Network“,in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3305392 .
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- K. Chour, J.P. Reddinger, J. Dotterweich, M. Childers, J. Humann, S. Rathinam, and S.Darbha, “A Reactive Energy-Aware Rendezvous Planning Approach for Multi-Vehicle Teams“, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022.
Refereed Journal Publications
- S.C. Swar, S. Manickam, D. Casbeer, K. Kalyanam, and S. Darbha, “Optimal autonomous pursuit of an intruder on a grid aided by local node and edge sensors”, Unmanned Systems, 10(01), pp.93-108.
S.G. Manyam, D.W. Casbeer, S. Darbha, I.E. Weintraub, and K. Kalyanam, “Path Planning and Energy Management of Hybrid Air Vehicles for Urban Air Mobility“, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 10176-10183.
- S. K. K. Hari, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, S. G. Manyam, K. Kalyanam, and D. Casbeer, “Bounds on Optimal Revisit Times in Persistent Monitoring Missions With a Distinct and Remote Service Station“, in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 1070-1086, April 2023, doi: 10.1109/TRO.2022.3210784.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- C. Montez, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and D. Casbeer, “Finding Shortest Paths for a Team of Convoy and Repair Vehicles”, accepted for presentation at AIAA SciTech Forum, 2021.
- S. G. Manyam, D. Casbeer, I. Weintraub, D. Tran, J. Bradley, and S. Darbha, “Quadratic Bezier Curves for Multi-Agent Coordinated Arrival in the Presence of Obstacles”, accepted for presentation at AIAA SciTech Forum, 2021.
- C. Montez, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, D. Casbeer, and S. G. Manyam, “An Approximation Algorithm for an Assisted Shortest Path Problem“, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021.
- J. Hu, P.R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “The Next-Best-View for Workpiece Localization in Robot Workspace“, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2021.
- J. Hu, P.R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “A Novel Method for the Localization of Convex Workpieces in Robot Workspace Using Gauss Map“, 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2021.
Refereed Journal Publications
- M. Liu, K. Chour, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Lateral Control of a Following Autonomous Vehicle with Limited Preview Information”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 10.1109/TIV.2020.3033773, to appear, 2021.
- S. Hari, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, K. Kalyanam, S. G. Manyam, and D. Casbeer, “Optimal UAV Route Planning for Persistent Monitoring Missions”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2020.3032171, to appear, 2021.
- V. Vegamoor, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “String Stability of Connected Vehicle Platoons Under Lossy V2V Communication“, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- V. K. Vegamoor, S. Yan, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Mobility and Safety Benefits of CACC Vehicle strings”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/ITSC45102.2020.9294203, 2020.
- C. Montez, S. Darbha, C. Valika, and A. Staid, “Routing of an unmanned vehicle for classification”, Proceedings of SPIE 11413, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications II, 1141319 (19 May 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2558748.
- M. Liu, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Lateral Control of a Convoy of Vehicles with a Limited Preview Information”, Proceedings of SPIE 11413, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications II, 114131M (19 May 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2558737.
Refereed Journal Publications
- S. Darbha, S. Konduri, and P. R. Pagilla, “Vehicle Platooning with Constant Spacing Strategies and Multiple Vehicle Look Ahead Information”, IET Transactions on ITS, Vol. 14, no. 6, pp.589-600, DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2019.0204, 2020.
- S. K. K. Hari, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, K. Kalyanam, S. G. Manyam, and D. Casbeer, “Optimal UAV Route Planning for Persistent Monitoring Missions“, in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 550-566, April 2021, doi: 10.1109/TRO.2020.3032171.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- M. Ankem and S. Darbha, “Effect of Heterogeneity in Time Headway on String Stability of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, October 2019.
- S. K. K. Hari, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, K. Kalyanam, S. G. Manyam, and D. Casbeer, “The Generalized Persistent Monitoring Problem“, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, July 2019.
- S. K. K. Hari, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, K. Kalyanam, S. G. Manyam, and D. Casbeer, “Efficient Computation of Optimal UAV Routes for Persistent Monitoring of Targets”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp. 605-614. doi:10.1109/ICUAS.2019.8798167, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2019.
- S. K. K. Hari, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, K. Kalyanam, S. G. Manyam, and D. Casbeer, “Bounding Algorithms for Persistent Monitoring of Targets using Unmanned Vehicles”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp. 615-621. doi: 10.1109/ICUAS.2019.8798134, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2019.
- V. K. Vegamoor, D. Kalathil, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Reducing Time Headway in Homogeneous CACC Vehicle Platoons in the Presence of Packet Drops”, Proceedings of the 18th European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 3159-3164, doi: 10.23919/ECC.2019.8795647, Naples, Italy, 2019.
- M. Liu, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Lateral Control of an Autonomous Car with Limited Preview Information”, Proceedings of the 18th European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 3192-3197. doi: 10.23919/ECC.2019.8796007, Naples, Italy, 2019,
Refereed Journal Publications
- V. Vegamoor, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “A review of Automatic Vehicle Following Systems”, Invited Paper, Journal of Indian Institute of Science, Springer Journal, Vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 567-587, December 2019.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- A. HasanzadeZonuzy, S. Arefizadeh, A. Talebpour, S. Shakkottai, and S. Darbha, “Collaborative Platooning of Automated Vehicles Using Variable Time-Gaps”, Proceedings of the 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 6715-6722, 2018.
Refereed Journal Publications
- S. Darbha, S. Konduri, and P. R. Pagilla, “Benefits of V2V Communication for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 20, no.5, pp. 1954-1963, 2018.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- S. Hari, K. Sundar, J. Braga, J. Teixeira, S. Darbha, and J. Sousa, “Adaptive Position Estimation for Vehicles Using Range Measurements”, Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, July 2017.
- S. Konduri, P. R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “Vehicle Platooning with Multiple Vehicle Look-Ahead Information”, Proceedings of 2017 IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, July 2017.
- H. Nagarajan, P. R. Pagilla, S. Darbha, R. Bent, and P. P. Khargonekar, “Optimal Configurations to minimize disturbance propagation in Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Networks”, Proceedings of 2017 American Control Conference, pp.2213-2218, June 2017.
- S. Darbha, S. Konduri, and P. R. Pagilla, “Effects of V2V Communication on Timeheadway for Autonomous Vehicles”, Proceedings of 2017 American Control Conference, pp. 2002-2007, June 2017.
Refereed Journal Publications
- S. Konduri, P. R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “A combinatorial approach for developing ring communication graphs for vehicle formations”, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 139, no. 4, 101014-1, October 2017.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- K. Sundar, H. Saikrishnakanth, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Scheduling Tasks for Human Operators in Monitoring & Surveillance Applications”, In Proceedings of 1st IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems, Florianopolis, Brazil, December 2016.
- K. Sundar, J. Qin, S. Rathinam, L. Ntaimo, S. Darbha, and C. Valicka, “Algorithms for a Satellite Constellation Scheduling Problem”, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2016.
- S. Konduri, P. R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “Reconfiguration of a Vehicle Formation with Ring Communication Structure“, European Control Conference, 2016.
Refereed Journal Publications
- G. Manyam, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, D. Casbeer, Y. Cao, and P. Chandler, “GPS Denied UAV Routing with communication constraints”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-16-0343-2, pp. 1-13, 2016.
- K. Krishnamoorthy, S. Darbha, M. Pachter, P. Chandler, M. Patzek, and C. Rothwell, “Optimal Human-Machine Teaming for a Sequential Inspection Operation”, IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems,” Vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 557-568, DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2016.2519603, 2016.
- M. Park, K. Kalyanam, S. Darbha, P. Khargonekar, P. Chandler, and M. Pachter, “Performance Guarantee of an Approximate Dynamic Programming Policy for Robotic Surveillance”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 564-578, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2014.2366295, 2016.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- H. Nagarajan, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “On Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity of Networks for Various Engineering Applications”, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, July 2015.
- P. Raul, G. Manyam, P. R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “Web Tension Regulation with Partially Known Periodic Disturbances in Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, July 2015.
- S. K. K. Hari and S. Darbha, “Estimation of Location and Orientation from Range Measurements”, Proceedings of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Paper DSCC2015-9972, October 2015.
Refereed Journal Publications
- G. Manyam, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Lower Bounds for a Multiple Vehicle Routing Problem with Motion Constraints”, ASME Journal on Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 137(9), doi:10.1115/1.4030354, September 2015.
- P. Raul, G. Manyam, P. R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems with Application to Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1089-1098, 2015.
- H. Nagarajan, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Synthesizing robust communication networks for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with resource constraints”, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,Vol. 137(6), doi: 10.1115/1.4028955, June 2015.
- G. Manyam, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and K. J. Obermeyer, “Lower Bounds for a Vehicle Routing Problem with Motion Constraints”, International Journal for Robotics and Automation, 10.2316/Journal.206.2015.3.206-3956, 2015.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- G. Manyam, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, D. Casbeer, and P. Chandler, “Routing of two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with communication constraints“, Proceedings of IEEE Internal Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pp. 140-148, DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS.2014.6842249, 2014.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- K. Kalyanam, S. Darbha, P. P. Khargonekar, M. Pachter, and P. R. Chandler, “Optimal Cooperative Pursuit on a Manhattan Grid“, Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, DOI: 10.2514/6.2013-4633, August 2013.
- M. S. N. Gupta, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Computation of Lower Bounds for a Multiple Depot, Multiple Vehicle Routing Problem with Motion Constraints”, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013.
- M. Park, K. Kalyanam, S. Darbha, P. P. Khargonekar, P. R. Chandler, and M. Pachter, “Performance Guarantees of a Sub-Optimal Policy for a Robotic Surveillance Application”, Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Compiegne, France, November 2013.
- S. Konduri, P. R. Pagilla, and S. Darbha, “Vehicle formation using directed information flow graphs”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2013.
- K. Kalyanam, S. Darbha, P. P. Khargonekar, D. W. Casbeer, P. R. Chandler, and M. Pachter, “Optimal minimax pursuit of evader on a Manhattan grid”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2013.
- K. Kalyanam, M. Park, S. Darbha, M. Pachter, and P. R. Chandler, “Approximate Dynamic Programming Applied to UAV Perimeter Control“, Recent Advances in Research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, 2013.
Refereed Journal Publications
- S. Darbha and K. R. Rajagopal, “A methodology to assess the safety of automatically controlled vehicles”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5, Issue 2-3, pp. 87-93, September 2013.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- H. Nagarajan, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “Algorithms for Finding Diameter-constrained Graphs with Maximum Algebraic Connectivity”, Dynamics of Information Systems, 2012.
- M. Park, K. Krishnamoorthy, S. Darbha, P. P. Khargonekar, M. Pachter, and P. Chandler, “Sub-optimal Stationary Policies for a Class of Stochastic Optimization Problems Arising in Robotic Surveillance Applications”, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2012.
- M. S. N. Gupta, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and K. Obermeyer, “Computation of a Lower Bound for a Vehicle Routing Problem with Motion Constraints”, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2012.
- M. S. N. Gupta, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems via Differential-Algebraic Equations”, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2012.
- H. Nagarajan, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “Synthesizing robust communication networks for UAVs”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 3730-3735, 2012.
- K. Krishnamoorthy, M. Park, S. Darbha, M. Pachter, and P. Chandler, “Bounding procedures for stochastic dynamic programs with application to the perimeter patrol problem”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 5874-5880, 2012.
- N. Mohsenizadeh, S. Darbha, L. H. Keel, and S. P. Bhattacharyya, “Analytical model free synthesis of Fixed Structure Stabilizing Controllers Using the Rate of Change of Phase”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, March 2012.
Refereed Journal Publications
- M. Park, K. Krishnamoorthy, S. Darbha, P. Chandler, and M. Pachter, “State partitioning based linear program for stochastic dynamic programs: An invariance property”, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 40, no. 6, November 2012.
- W. Malik, S. Darbha, and S. P. Bhattacharyya, “On controlling the transient response of linear time invariant systems with fixed structure controllers”, Asian Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1002/asjc.484, published online 22 March 2012.
- H. Nagarajan, S. Rathinam, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “Algorithms for synthesizing mechanical systems with maximal natural frequencies”, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 13, no. 5, pp 2154-2162, October 2012.
- K. Krishnamoorthy, P. R. Chandler, M. Pachter, and S. Darbha, “Optimization of Perimeter Patrol Operations Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 434-441, March-April 2012.
- S. Darbha and W. Choi, “A methodology for Assessing the Benefits of Coordination on Safety of Vehicles”, ITS Journal, Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 70-81, 2012.
- K. Obermeyer, P. Oberlin, and S. Darbha, “Sampling-Based Roadmap Methods for a Visual Reconnaissance UAV”, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 619-631, March-April, 2012.
- S. Yadlapalli, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “A 3-Approximation algorithm for a two depot, heterogeneous traveling salesmen problem”, Optimization Letters, Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 141-152, 2012.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- N. Mohsenizadeh, S. Darbha, and S. P. Bhattacharyya, “Synthesis of Digital PID Controllers for Continuous-Time Systems with Guaranteed Non-Overshooting Transient Response”, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2011.
- N. Mohsenizadeh, S. Darbha, and S. P. Bhattacharyya, “Synthesis of Digital PID Controllers for Discrete-Time Systems with Guaranteed Non-Overshooting Transient Response”, Proceedings of ASME Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Conference, October 2011.
- S. Dhar, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “Development of Diagnostic Algorithms for an Air Brake System: Theory and Implementation”, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 2011.
- N. Mohsenizadeh, S. Darbha, and S. P. Bhattacharyya, “Fixed Structure Controller Synthesis Using Groebner Bases and Sign-Definite Decomposition”, In Proc. of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011.
- S. Yadlapalli, j. Bae, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Approximation Algorithms for a heterogeneous Multiple Depot Hamiltonian Path Problem”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 2789-2794, June 2011.
- K. Krishnamoorthy, M. Pachter and P. Chandler, D. Casbeer, and S. Darbha “UAV Perimeter Patrol Operations Optimization Using Efficient Dynamic Programming”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 462-467, June 2011.
Refereed Journal Publications
- S. Darbha, S. Dhar, and K. R. Rajagopal, “Estimation of Pushrod Stroke in an Air Brake System with Parametric Uncertainty”, SAE Technical Paper, DOI:10. 4271/2011-01-0751, April 2011.
- K. Krishnamoorthy, M. Pachter, S. Darbha, and P. Chandler, “Approximate Dynamic Programming with State Aggregation applied to UAV perimeter control”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 1396-1409, August 2011.
- R. Doshi, S. Yadlapalli, S. Rathinam, and S. Darbha, “Approximation algorithms and heuristics for a 2-depot Heterogeneous Hamiltonian Path Problem”, International Journal of Robust Nonlinear Control, Vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 1434-1451, August 2011.
- S. Dhar, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “ Identification and Estimation of Parameter Defining a Class of Hybrid Systems”, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 446-456, August 2011.
- S. Ramamritham, S. Dhar, S. Darbha, and K. R. Rajagopal, “Development of an algorithm for detecting leaks and estimating pushrod stroke in a truck brake system” Vehicle System Dynamics Journal, Vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 1267-1282, August 2011.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
- S. Darbha, K. Krishnamoorthy, M. Pachter, and P. Chandler, “State Aggregation based Linear Programming Approach to Approximate Dynamic Programming”, Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 935-941, 2010.
- K. Obermeyer, P. Oberlin, and S. Darbha, “Sampling-Based Roadmap Methods for a Visual Reconnaissance UAV”, AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation, and Control, August 2010.
- K. Kalyanam, M. Pachter, S. Darbha and P. Chandler, “Approximate Value Iteration with State Aggregation applied to Perimeter Patrol”, AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation, and Control, August 2010.
Refereed Journal Publications
- S. Darbha, K. Nakshatrala, and K. R. Rajagopal, “On the vibrations of lumped parameter systems governed by differential-algebraic equations”, Journal of Franklin Institute, Vol. 347, no. 1, p.87-101, February 2010.
- S. Darbha and P. R. Pagilla, “Limitations of Employing Undirected Information Flow Graphs for the Maintenance of Rigid Formations for Heterogeneous Vehicles”, Special Issue in Honor of Professor K. R. Rajagopal, International Journal of Engineering Sciences, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 1164-78, 2010.
- P. Oberlin, S. Rathinam and S. Darbha, “Today’s Traveling Salesman Problem”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 17, no. 4, pp.70-77, December 2010.